Saat itu si Muka Lebar dan Chipz masi duduk di bangku SMP, baru saja kenaikan kelas 3, setiap anak mulai mengikuti bimbingan belajar untuk menghadapin Ujian Akhir.
Formally, Chipz dan Si Muka Lebar saling mengenal karena pacar mereka bersahabat, segeng, yah begundal-begundal SMP lah, bersahabatnya pacar lantas tidak membuat mereka bersahabat. Cukup tau aja lah. Masa itu adalah masa dimana The Moffats dan Hanson sudah tidak terlalu terkenal lagi karena ada Linkin Park, bahkan Limp Bizkit sudah basi karena Wes Borland sudah keluar. Walau pun si Chipz masih mendengarkan Blink 182 dan Si Muka Lebar masih suka Eminem,
Revalina baru jadi Gadis Sampul Favorit dan Sigi Wimala juara satu Gadis Sampul. Masa-masa yang sungguh menyenangkan.
Oke, begitu melihat si pria baju merah, otomatis Chipz dan Si Muka Lebar saling lihat-lihatan, terkenang kembali ingatan masa lalu, mereka pun tertawa ngakak
“Tuh ada si cowo baju merah, gak mau foto kamu?” tanya Chipz
“Hahahaha... Gih sana kamu aja, dulu kan ngefans” Si Muka Lebar menolak
“Aneh ya, dulu ngejer-ngejer fotonya, sekarang orangnya di depan mata...
“That was years ago!” ucap Si Muka Lebar singkat.
Begitu lah si pria baju merah yang ternyata adalah Mario Lawalata, tetap cakeb seperti dulu, masih terlihat muda, dan tidak berubah sama sekali. Tapi disaat itu Chipz dan si Muka Lebar lah yang sudah berubah, ternyata saat ini pria seperti Mario Lawalata tidak lagi dianggap menarik oleh Chipz dan Si Muka Lebar.
The idea of beauty and success are always changed time by time.
What we consider as beautiful today,
will not be the same with our concept of beauty in the future
Our judgement is depend on the value we learned and we accepted over years.I used to think that my ex boyfriend is the coolest man on earth, he plays basket ball, he is tall and cute like Justin Timberlake (Yes, he was the member of N’SYNC, the Justin not my ex) and now, after several years we had this little conversation on YM, he was struggling with his final assignment, and had no idea what to do after graduated (so he is not really excited to get his final assignment done) and i had headache from works, the bills and Kaki Berbulu asked me to pick him up somewhere and i forget where is it. And realize that my ex, he is not that charming. I prefer some one more serious. And that was the reason i left him, i judged him as not good enough, not pay much attention to his study then he is not taking life seriously.
Then i fell with someone that really smart at high school. Smart means he will get better job for life and can take a good care of his family. Over years, i realized that I need some one that not only take a good care of me, i need some one that give me the freedom to do anything and someone that standing on his own foot. I need someone that more mature (
financially, physicallypsychology matured). So we're seperated by the gap between the reality and the value i had. And here i am, loving someone until then, there will be a time, I finally judge him as not meeting my Mr. Right criteria then leave him.By having this value grows up day by day and changes time to time,
will i always try to find someone that meets the criteria?
will i always think that this someone is not good enough?
or i simply just need to learn a new value of acceptance.
To accept all the imperfection and see it as a beauty.
Unfortunately the value i do not have until now.
well at least i write it, therefore i can read it and remember that i had to learn to see beyond the imperfection.