Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Eating Alone?

This happens someday in the future

Today me, wabistan and cabidut plan to go out having dinner in a seafood restaurant in Kelapa Gading. But suddenly they cannot make it, wabistan had just had her pimple cleaned, there's no way she can leave the house (blaaaah) and cabidut, she had just lost her appetite. Then i try to find someone else (closed enough) to accompany me for dinner, but i can't find any girls available tonight.

I hate being alone for dinner.

I used to have dinner on my own (when i just arrived here) but it felt miserable and that was years ago. I don't want to eat alone

but then, i got an idea

I sent bbm to my some of my high school boyfriends (not lover, i got one and he's married *ok too much info*), boys are easier than girls, they just say "yes", no matter it is heavy rain outside, and you guys are far away and you just say "yes". I envy you guys.

Yippie so i am not gonna eat alone tonight!

ps. the dinner turned out become really good, with the food, chat and laugh. Although the traffic is really bad, they came 30 mins late (yet they still came). Our other friends (who will be married in November) also joined us. We ate in Nasi Uduk Gondangdia, with the Nasi Uduk and various kind of chicken, fish, eggs, meat cooking of your choice. Yummy

pss. Kaki Berbulu pls don't get mad. I just don't like being alone and you know me.

psss. what is ps. means? is pss and psss really exist?

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