Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday 22 August 2011

Finally it's on

Well, I have been waiting to live on my own. Decorating my own place... Too much to tell, we'll talk about this later, let's get straight to the point.

According to my plan I will have a grey theme room. It's edgy, modern simple futuristic, anyhow, by the time I moved here my curtain was not ready.

Since we can't live without sun light blocker, the curtain provider give us a substitute curtain, which is not the color we want, arrghdistrubinglyugly, gold and based on my artisty value, I better put the
flag as my curtain (as si Kaki Berbulu did to our balcony glass door), they promise us to replace the curtain on tuesday, which is working day, we can't.

On saturday, I came to them, and they said it was not ready, ok I left with less patience. Today, after having an intense not intimate a bit intimidating high tone discussion and followed by a few destructive actions with si Kaki Berbulu, I came to the curtain provider with a high expectation of my curtain that I can see my edgy grey curtain, and put it on my window. But she said, they are not ready.

My first response was "i'll wait here until it's ready". After few minutes of sitting, she finally told me, that my curtain fabrics was not available due to increase of crude oil price, iraq bombing, and kate middleton also wants it so bad, she buys all the fabrics and wrap her self. Then she told me that the workers are busy, too many orders because it seems that the entire world order the same curtain at the same time ofmy order, and I have to wait several more days...

And then there goes my patience. I am fat angry bitch who wants her grey curtain. And the best part was, when they checked the list, actually based on the list THEY MADE, my curtain is already DONE. Please miss, are you kidding me?

So, here I am enjoying my grey curtain. Ah... I think I can do this all day, starring at my curtain match my bed sheet. Sweet!
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  1. Ayo dong bu... mampir ditempat eike.. dapet welcome drink WRP gretongan hihihi :p
